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The best Cabbage Roll Soup recipe


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The best Cabbage Roll Soup recipe! You get all the flavors of cabbage rolls with out all the hassle!

This soup is easy to make and deliciously flavorful. A tasty new recipe to add to the dinner rotation!

I’ve been wanting to try Russian/Ukrainian cabbage rolls for a long time, basically since I got a Pinterest account because I always see them on there and they look delicious. I finally got around to it but instead I decided to go the easier route and made them in soup form instead.

I’m sure this soup is so much faster than making the real deal yet I can bet this tastes just as good. If I ever try a real cabbage roll I’ll let you know how they compare, although I loved this soup so much I might not ever want to go the long route and take all that time to cook cabbage, stuff, roll and top cabbage rolls.

One pot just sounds better right? Especially after a long day of work.

This soup is total hearty comfort food. It’s packed with veggies, the rice will help fill you up and you get a fair amount of protein from the beef so this soup is an all around win!

It’s so good that if you do make the classic cabbage rolls you might just find yourself converting to this easier method and making it as soup from now on instead!



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