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Bread in just 5 minutes, don’t miss this German recipe!



Second Mixing: After the dough has risen, stir it for about 30 seconds. Cover once more and leave to rest for an additional 30 minutes.

Shape the Dough: Lightly flour a work surface and roll out the dough into a rectangle. Fold it over itself, then cover with a bowl for 10 minutes, allowing it to rest.

Final Shaping: Flour the surface again and roll out the dough to your desired thickness. Shape it as you like, ready for baking.

Bake: Place the shaped dough onto a baking tray. Feel free to make a few decorative slashes on top. Bake in a preheated oven at 230°C (446°F) for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown and cooked through.

Cool and Serve: Let the bread cool slightly before slicing. This not only makes it easier to cut but also enhances the bread’s flavor and texture.

This German bread recipe is a delightful way to enjoy the pleasures of freshly baked bread with minimal effort. The quick preparation and simple ingredients make it an ideal choice for busy days or when you’re craving the comfort of homemade bread without the lengthy process.

Embrace the simplicity and satisfaction of baking with this recipe, and let the inviting aroma of freshly baked bread fill your home. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice, this German bread is sure to become a cherished addition to your culinary repertoire.

Enjoy !



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