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Christmas cactus: here’s how to grow it and take care of it so it lasts a long time



The elevated position of the plant is essential if you have pets such as dogs or cats. Ingestion of certain parts of the plant can cause diarrhea or vomiting in pets. It must therefore be placed so that pets cannot reach it easily. If there is a problem, the veterinarian should be consulted immediately.
3. When to water the Christmas cactus?
The Christmas cactus is native to the rainforests of South America and therefore prefers a humid climate. It is therefore necessary to pay particular attention to watering, both in summer and in winter. In winter, it must be watered regularly, little by little, preventing the saucer from soaking up water, but keeping the soil moist. In summer, we proceed in the same way, with the possibility of spraying a little water on the leaves using a sprayer. In summer, the best time to water the Christmas cactus, which needs small amounts of water at a time, is in the evening. In particularly dry climates, try keeping it in a room with a small humidifier or other plants.

It is important to avoid water stagnation and to water regularly but not excessively, especially during flowering. Overwatering can cause root rot, which can lead to the death of the plant. This rot can also be caused by a fungus, unfortunately not visible from the outside until the first damage appears. The flowering of the plant can sometimes last from December to February. In any case, once flowering is finished, watering can be reduced. Throughout the life of the plant, watering should only be done when the soil appears dry on the surface. It may be sufficient to water only once or twice a week in winter.
The Christmas cactus likes soils with an acidic pH and, if possible, containing peat. It is optional to use natural fertilizers during the flowering period to ensure nutrition for the plant. Fertilization should be stopped when the flowers fall. If you want to fertilize, it is best to do so in spring and summer when physiological growth is underway.

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