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Christmas cactus: here’s how to grow it and take care of it so it lasts a long time



4. How to propagate and multiply your Christmas cactus?
Propagation by cuttings
If you want to propagate your cactus, it is entirely possible to do so at home using stems from the previous year which have been dried for a few days before being planted. Do the following:

Take a stem from the plant about 10 to 15 cm long.

Set the cut aside for at least 48 hours.

Once it has dried, you can plant it in soil with a sandy mix if possible, burying it at least 3cm deep in the soil.
Propagation by hand pollination
Another way to propagate your Christmas cactus if you have two or more plants with different colored flowers is to use hand pollination. Concretely, you must use a small brush to collect the pollen from one and place it on the other and wait for the plant to bear fruit. These will have small seeds that can be planted in spring.

5. Lifespan
Christmas cactus plants can have a very long lifespan, up to 20 or 30 years, making them an even more symbolic Christmas gift.



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