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Creamy Christmas Panna Cotta – CHOCOLATE & VANILLA



Dark Chocolate Layer –
In a small saucepan, add the cream, chopped chocolate and honey. Over medium-low heat, stir until chocolate has melted. Now add the sifted cocoa powder and stir until smooth. Leave to cool completely before pouring over set nutella, (see note). Refrigerate for 2 hours or until set.

Vanilla Layer –
Repeat the method for the nutella, sprinkling gelatin into 1/3 cup milk and heating the cream with sugar. Once heated and well combined, take off flame. Add the vanilla essence, stir to combine then pour in the gelatin. Leave to cool before pouring and layering over the now firm chocolate layer.

When pouring the second and third layers, do not pour directly onto the set panna cotta so you won’t disturb it with the pressure of pouring. Drizzle down on the side of the glass until it starts to fill up and for the third layer, pour onto the back of a tablespoon so it will seep down slowly.



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