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Easy Toilet Fizzy Bombs



  • Measuring cup
  • Container to mix
  • Tablespoon or measuring spoon
  • Spray Bottle or Vaporizer (recommended)
  • Silicone mold (optional)

Baking soda is lightly abrasive, as well as an unscented deodorizer. It is easily decomposed by acid, that’s why adding citric acid will come in handy.


Grab a mixing bowl or container, a measuring cup and baking soda. Next, measure 1 – 1 1/3 cups of baking soda and add it to your mixing bowl


NOTE: Use 1 cup of baking soda if you’re planning to add borax, otherwise keep it to 1 1/3 cups.


TIP: If the baking soda has clumps, use your fingers or spoon to dissolve them.

I like to use Borax as a detergent booster in my laundry and house cleaning recipes. It also makes a great Sweet DIY Ant Bait.

(You can get the recipe here:

So I like to add 1/3 cup of Borax to the baking soda. You don’t have to, but will sure make the cleaning easier.

Borax is a good cleaner, deodorizer and booster, which makes it a good combination for the baking soda.

Step 2:

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