
How to Grow Ginger, Garlic and Lemongrass at Home: It’s the Farmer’s Way



There are many people who would like to have a little green corner at home, also devoting themselves to growing something. The Farmers Method teaches you how to grow ginger and lemongrass step by step, in just a few steps.

To grow ginger, it is necessary to have the product ready and washed. Then each part is divided in half and placed in a glass bowl or glass baking dish.

At this point, water is added and covered with a damp cloth. Let the ginger run its course and after a week you will be able to see the first roots. If they have not yet developed, repeat the process for another week. The ginger parts with the root will need to be placed in a vase with soil, so that other ginger plants can grow indefinitely.

The same thing happens with lemongrass, to multiply it as desired with a very simple method.

Take the stems and cut the thin part underneath using a knife. Once done on all available stems, prepare a pitcher filled with water for each stem (not in pairs or clumps). Let the water take its course and after a few days you will notice the first roots.

Once the roots have developed, you can put the stems in the ground to have endless seedlings.

Tips for Growing Garlic at Home

continued on next page



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