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Flour Method: For those particularly stubborn oil stains, the flour method can come to the rescue. Simply sprinkle a small amount of flour directly onto the stains and let it sit for about 30 minutes. The flour acts as an absorbent agent, drawing out the oil from the wall surface. As it sits, the flour absorbs the oil, making it easier to lift off. After the allotted time, use a hot damp cloth to wipe away the flour and oil residue. For extra stubborn stains, you can use a brush to gently scrub the area before wiping it clean with a cloth.

Baking soda paste: Mix baking soda with water to form a paste and apply it to stubborn oil stains. Let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing with a brush and wiping clean.
Commercial degreasers: If homemade solutions don’t do the trick, consider using commercial degreasers specifically designed for kitchen surfaces. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and test in a small, inconspicuous area first.
Preventive measures: To avoid future oil stains, consider installing a backsplash behind your stove or using splatter screens while cooking. Regularly wiping down walls with a mild detergent solution can also help prevent buildup.

With these simple homemade solutions and additional tips, removing oil stains from kitchen walls is no longer a daunting task. Whether you opt for the hot vinegar method, the refreshing lemon method, or the absorbent flour method, you can banish those stubborn stains and restore the beauty of your kitchen walls. Say goodbye to unsightly marks and hello to a clean and pristine cooking space. For more useful tips and tricks, be sure to visit our website.



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