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Have you ever thought about choosing a green and ecological alternative? You can’t imagine the number of natural products you can use to obtain scented laundry detergent. Today, we are revealing a method that will be very useful to you: no more detergents and fabric softeners, so that your clothes always smell good!

Laundry smells fresh with this ingredient: goodbye fabric softener Everyone likes to wear clean, fresh-smelling clothes, right? And have you managed to find a detergent or fabric softener with a strong, penetrating scent that doesn’t fade after a few seconds?

If the answer is no, no problem, we’re going to let you in on a secret: there’s one ingredient that, more than any other laundry soap, promises – and delivers. promise – to perfume your clothes for a long time: it’s baking soda!

Yes, the same one you often use in the kitchen to reduce the acidity of tomato sauce or to polish copper objects or silver jewelry. Baking soda is a truly versatile ingredient that you can also use as a cleaning ally.

Did you know that it is a natural disinfectant, detergent and antibacterial? But above all, it has a deodorizing action! How to use it when doing laundry? It’s simple: just pour a spoonful into the softener drawer and set the wash program. You will see, what a surprise: when you hang out your laundry, it will smell fresh and clean.

If you want an even stronger and more intense scent, you can add 15 drops of your favorite scented essential oil to the baking soda spoon of soda: you will be more than satisfied at the end of the wash!

We also have another technique that we would like to share with you. Pour a glass of sea salt and a glass of baking soda into a bowl. Then add 30 drops of essential oil and mix the ingredients: you have created a natural laundry detergent!

Pour 5 tablespoons into the detergent drawer and add 1 cup of vinegar to the softener drawer: the salt, bicarbonate and vinegar will disinfect and perfume your laundry! With these tips, you will have clean, fragrant laundry without spending too much.



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