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Slow Cooker Split Pea Soup


Written by admin


Why, hello there, dear hearts. Come on in and pull up a chair right here by my kitchen table. I reckon it’s a chilly day outside, and nothing speaks to the soul quite like a steaming bowl of Split Pea Soup, simmered to perfection in the loving embrace of a slow cooker. Now, if you’ve got a moment, let me tell you a bit about this dish, steeped in tradition as it is in flavor.

Split Pea Soup is a hearty classic that’s been warming the bones of hardworking folks for generations. Originating from the old-world kitchens, it made its way into our Midwestern homes, capturing our hearts with its simplicity and nutrition.

A pot of this soup bubbling away is the very essence of home cooking.

People often turn to it for comfort, especially during those long winter days when the fields lie fallow and the wind sings lonesome songs across the prairies.

You might be wondering what to serve alongside this nourishing elixir.

Why, a slice of homemade crusty bread, still warm from the oven, is just the thing to sop up every last bit of that delectable broth.

Or, if your tastes turn to the sweeter side, perhaps a cornbread muffin, its golden crumbles playing the perfect counterpoint to the soup’s savory depth.

Servings: Serves about 8 generous helpings, sure to fill up even the heartiest of appetites.

1 pound dried split peas, rinsed and sorted
8 cups chicken or vegetable broth, for that nourishing base
2 medium carrots, peeled and diced into small, hopeful cubes
2 ribs of celery, also diced, with as much care as you’d plant your spring garden
1 medium onion, chopped fine as last year’s quilt squares
2 garlic cloves, minced, as fragrant as our lilac breeze in May
1 ham hock, for that smoky whisper of yesteryear (optional, of course)
1 bay leaf, as singular as a promise
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
A pinch of dried thyme, for that bit of earthiness reminiscent of our fertile soils

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