Coupled with a sedentary lifestyle, a hearty diet can lead to considerable weight gain.
Obesity can be the cause of many diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, diabetes or hypertension.
To regain your healthy weight, it is essential to favor healthy and dietetic meals while having a sustained physical activity.
This soup recipe is ideal for stimulating the feeling of satiety, essential to resist cravings.
And for good reason, this soup contains ingredients with formidable dietary properties. We tell you more in our nutrition and recipes section.
A period of letting go can have a lasting impact on the silhouette and cause unsightly bulges.
To regain control, it is essential to establish new eating habits coupled with the resumption of sustained physical activity.
This diet soup recipe is ideal for deep fat burning and includes, among other things, onion, cabbage and parsley, all ingredients with slimming and detoxifying properties that will allow you to boost your weight loss.
The onion, your slimming partner
With an intake of 43 calories per 100 grams, the onion is a vegetable to be favored to fight against overweight.
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