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My Grandma Taught Me How to Make Fermented Garlic and I Do It All the Time! He Saved Me Many Times!


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My grandmother was an invaluable source of wisdom and traditional knowledge. Of the many skills she has passed on to me over the years, the art of making fermented garlic is one that has had the most impact on my life. This simple and ancient technique has found its permanent place in my kitchen, and it has saved me many times.

Garlic has always been considered a superfood thanks to its medicinal properties. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and sulfur compounds that have many health benefits. However, fermented garlic offers even more impressive benefits, including improved nutrient bioavailability and a unique flavor.

Unpeeled garlic cloves
Sea salt
Non-chlorinated water
A clean glass jar with a tight-fitting lid
Take the unpeeled garlic cloves and remove the first layer of skin, but leave the cloves whole.
Fill the glass jar with the prepared garlic cloves.
Dissolve sea salt in non-chlorinated water to create a brine. For every liter of water, add about 30 to 40 grams of salt, or adjust the amount according to your taste.
Pour the brine over the garlic cloves in the jar. Make sure the pods are completely submerged in the brine.
Place a weight, such as a small clean stone, on top of the garlic cloves to keep them under the brine.
Close the jar tightly and let it sit in a dark place at a temperature of around 18-22°C.
Leave to ferment for at least three weeks, although the taste will continue to improve over time.
Continued on next page



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