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My Grandma Taught Me How to Make Fermented Garlic and I Do It All the Time! He Saved Me Many Times!



Fermented garlic is incredibly versatile in cooking. You can add it to stir-fries, sauces, salads or eat it directly as a condiment. It has a deliciously salty and slightly tangy taste that can enhance the taste of any dish.

But it’s not just its taste that makes fermented garlic so special. It is also a wealth of health benefits. When garlic ferments, its sulfur compounds transform into allicin, a powerful bioactive compound that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This makes it a valuable ally in strengthening the immune system and fighting infections.

In addition, fermented garlic is beneficial for digestion, as it promotes the balance of intestinal flora. It may also help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. As an antioxidant, it may help slow the aging process and prevent certain types of cancer.

Personally, fermented garlic has saved me on many occasions. When I feel weak or sick, I consume a small amount to strengthen my immune system. I also add it to my daily meals to benefit from its long-term benefits.

Additionally, fermented garlic is an excellent substitute for fresh garlic in raw dishes. Its taste is less intense, which makes it more pleasant for those who are not fans of raw garlic. It is also more digestible for some people because fermentation has already begun to break down some of the irritating compounds in raw garlic.

In conclusion, fermented garlic is much more than just a condiment. It’s a treasure trove of health benefits, an ancestral culinary tradition and a legacy from my grandmother that I treasure dearly. My grandmother not only taught me how to do it, but she also showed me how to take care of my health in a natural and delicious way. If you haven’t tried fermented garlic yet, I highly encourage you to do so. Your body and your palate will thank you.



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